Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Dossier Is In....

After Dana traveled to Harrisburg, convinced the State Police that they actually could hand over our criminal background checks over the counter (they had said earlier that they had to be mailed to us at home), convinced the staff at the Department of State that our certified marriage license was as valid as an exemplified marriage license (who knew there was a difference?) she Fed-Ex'd all 40 documents over to Kiev to our contact there. They have all been translated and were presented to the Ukrainian government on Monday. We should get our first appointment notification by June 1 and those are usually scheduled about two weeks out, so we are looking at less than a month to be on our way!


  1. Craig/Dana, I am amazed about the red tape one must go through. Tamika and I have to get passports for Tyler 6 and Leah 4 for our trip to the Bahamas. Really? The paperwork needed for this is crazy so I feel your pain. All jokes aside, best of luck through this process. I'll be praying for you both. Chat soon. Brian

  2. Dana sounds like my kind of woman - don't take no for an answer. Congratulations and keeping fingers crossed.
